Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The fact in life is that you probably won’t achieve every single goal you set out for in life. Tis is OK, in fact it is great. If we lived in a world where everything was easy to achieve, then no one would push themselves or others to become better people. 
A goal should be something realistic and obtainable, but it should be something that is going to push you to grow as a person. To step out of comfort zone and give your self the chance to fail and try again, but not give up on what you truly want, even before you have tried. 
Most people walk around with an immense about of fear of failing on a goal that they want to achieve. This fear can be crippling for them and can even stop them from trying to attempt the goal in the first place. You must learn to accept failure as part of life and learning. No one was ever great the first time they ever tried anything, but the people who became the greatest were also the ones who failed the most and keep trying the most. 
When Michael Jordan was 14 years old he was cut from his middle school basketball team. He went home that night, locked himself in his room and cried. He had the opportunity to give up right there and never play basketball again, but as we all know he did quite the opposite. Michael Jordan had a goal, with urgency. He never did give up and went on the be the greatest basketball player to ever live. Imagine if he only tried one time in middle school, and then gave up? 
Walt Disney, Oprah, Thomas Edison, all were people who failed many times in their lives on their way to greatness. What makes them remarkable people is not only what they accomplished in life, but that they did not give up on what they wanted and they were not afraid to fail. 

In life you will always miss 100% of the shots you never take!

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